Ο ήλιος ως ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα

The sun is a major competitive advantage of the tropics, attracting many visitors for its beneficial properties. Tropical areas, such as Crete, and Greece in general, have sunshine most of the year. Greece has more than 250 days a year and 3,000 hours of sunshine. More specifically, sunlight has a beneficial effect on both physical


Makuti. The tropical material

Makuti is a traditional material in many parts of Africa and other tropical regions, used mainly for roofing in traditional huts. It is derived from palm leaves (Cocos nucifera and Hyphaene thebaica). The sheets, tied together, form an insulating layer for roofs, hats, or other structures. It is a versatile material used in a range

ξαπλώστρες πισίνας

Beach and outdoor equipment can increase the turnover of hotels, especially those on the beach. Here are some of the ways it does this. Enhances the guest experience Customer satisfaction with the aesthetics and practical value it offers often leads to positive comments about the hotel and the place. The positive reviews (google my business,


The beach equipment such as umbrellas, beach umbrellas, beach sunbeds and extra accessories , help customers of hotels and beach resorts to improve their experience. That’s why the installation of umbrellas is an important investment for hoteliers on many levels. Here are some things we would suggest you consider before making such an investment.